All the posts and reviews here are written solely by me. Items reviewed are purchased with my own money, unless stated otherwise. I do honor my readers by giving a honest review in accordance to my experience during using the products reviewed. Whether it is sponsored or not, it'll not affecting my opinion.
All reviews are purely based on my experience. As skin condition and tolerance between each person is different, I am NOT responsible if any of the products reviewed here isn't working well on other people. Same thing goes to my beauty tips and tutorials.
All the pictures watermarked TheCurvyButterfly (previously are mine, using it without noting the source is strongly not advisable, however, pictures taken from another site will be given the source link.
I am open to any kind of comments, suggestions, and critics, as long as they're still in positive terms. Spams, insults, and non-sense accusations are strongly prohibited.
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Have a great time, and hope you enjoy my blog <3
Reen <3