Friday, May 17, 2013

REPORT : MeganEvent Beauty Fair 2013 at St. Moritz PX Pavillion Ballroom

Folks!! I am terribly sorry for the super long wait! It's been almost a month since the event and I barely have time to write the report. I am a bad blogger >_____<
Well, better late than never, eh?

So the event I was attending last week is a Beauty Fair (or Bazaar, to be more exact) held by an event organizer named MeganEvent. The co-founders are actually bloggers too; Emily and Katie. There were a lot of vendors opening their booth on the event; from D'Eyeko Lashes, K-Palette Indonesia, BeautyTreats Indonesia, theBalm, Max Factor, Make Over, and a lot more. I was super excited. My mom and two sisters  were also tagging along me xDD

I was RSVP-ing for the morning event held in collaboration with Max Factor. It's a makeup demo, continued with a makeup challenge. I met Jesslyn, Fweegy, and Thea; other fellow bloggers there. Since it was still morning, there weren't too many visitors back then.

Monday, May 13, 2013

REVIEW : D'Eyeko Princess Syahrini Lashes in "Cakrawala" [SPONSORED]

I received these lashes about approximately a month ago; one pair in "Cakrawala" and another pair in "Cendrawasih". They're beautiful! xDD

Sunday, May 5, 2013

REVIEW : Maybelline Color Tattoo Eyeshadow in "Edgy Emerald"

Does this product still hot in the market? I remembered the time when people raving for this so much (including me). Even Christine from also give a good rating for this one. Luckily, my big sister bought me one during her trip to Singapore. I chose Edgy Emerald upon being asked which color I want.

Friday, May 3, 2013

FEATURED : Birthday Gifts Roundup + Surprise for Readers!!

Hi. folks! I've been M.I.A. again for about half month. >< Please don't blame me :'( I was celebrating my 22nd birthday two days ago, on May 1st to be exact. And of course, I want to celebrate with you folks too! Read carefully until the very end, okay?

I received so much presents from my boyfriend and also from my family. If you follow my Instagram or Twitter; or you're friend with me on Facebook, you've probably seen the pictures. It's a blessing, you know, to receive them all. <3 I'll be a little bit showing off here. Please bear lol

Here are the presents I've received :